Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ohh so you want to know about me?

So let's see if I'm any good at this blogging thing. Let's start with the basics, in case there is someone out there who is in desperate need to know more about me :)
 I'm a born and raised Texas Girl, who loves fashion, makeup, dancing some badass nortenas, and food!!

My parentals are probably the best people I know, which I know everyone says, but everyone else is lying because they just don't know my parents. My mom was also born and raised in Dallas, Texas and my dad is from a small town in Guanajuato, Mexico. Which makes me half Mexican AND half White, hence why i look hispanic and have a white name. 
 I have three sisters and one brother, who all tend to be a pain every once in a while (more like all the time), but hey I love them nonetheless.
Yeah we flyy ;)

I also have the most precious neice and nephew that will soon be the reason I go bankrupt (that's if this wedding planning doesn't do it first)

How FRIGGIN' cute are they??! Seriously?!

And on to my hubby! Yup, I said HUBBY! "Wait aren't you supposed to planning a wedding?"
About that...we are technically already married but we didnt get much of a wedding day first time around (details to come), so we are now planning the whole shabang for September 14, 2013! Thats one year away!! It may seem like a long time but let me tell you time FLYS when you're having fun... or just stressing over all the wedding details that never seem to finish and it all makes you want to pull your hair out....   0__o
Forreal though, wedding planning tends to get crazy so I'm hoping this blog will be kind of like my creative outlet and a way to get feedback from others so I don't bore my family and friends to death about things they think are pointless and maybe a way for me to get onto a certain blog that I may or may not stalk 24/7. Either way, let's get this show on the road!!!

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